Nordic Is Your Advocate
A Personal Approach To Your Home Loan
A Guide Through The Complexities of Mortgage Loans
You've got a lot of things to worry about when buying a home. Getting your mortgage approved shouldn't be one of them. Turn to Nordic for a partner in your home buying process.
Mortgages can be deceptively complicated and overwhelming for homebuyers. Often, the lowest rate isn’t actually the lowest cost over time when fees, mortgage insurance, and taxes are considered.
With Nordic, you get an advisor and an advocate as you apply for your home loan. As your advisor, Nordic can help you select the best mortgage with the best terms available.
A Broker Who Works For You
As an independent broker, Drew of Nordic Home Loans works solely for you. This makes a huge difference! Most loan officers work for a retail lender, which means if that lender changes a policy, increases their margins, or makes another change, you get stuck with the fallout.
Nordic works with a multitude of lenders, and can offer you a strong range of choices, and the ability to pivot quickly when it’s in your best interests.